Dawn Liu, PhD, DC, L.Ac, ART Instructor

Dr. Dawn LiuDr. Dawn Liu grew up in a family with a strong tradition of Oriental healing arts and intellectual pursuit. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. With extensive top quality scientific publication, she graduating with the “Best Dissertation Award” of the year.  She subsequently worked at Genentech and carried out top-notch research on potential biological treatment for Parkinson’s Disease.

Equipped with years of experience and biomedical knowledge on both health and nutrition, she then pursued and obtained her degrees in Chiropractic, and Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Southern California University of Health Sciences. She graduated with special honor as the very first “duo” Valedictorian for both programs in the school’s history.

Over years of rigorous training and practice in Chiropractic, Dr. Dawn Liu has developed a particular interest and expertise in successful treatment for physical pain and injuries. She is armed with an Advanced Diagnosis skills called Bio-mechanical Diagnosis, as well as one of the most effective treatment for all physical pain and injuries – Active Release Technique (A.R.T.).

The Bio-mechanical Diagnostic approach focuses on the entire body as a whole unit, regardless where the pain is. In short, “no dysfunction is local.” For example, shoulder pain during golf swing may be well related to lack of motion of the opposite hip, and carpal tunnel syndrome is more likely due to problems at elbow and shoulder rather than at wrist. Therefore, unless we properly take care of the root of the problem, as revealed by the Bio-mechanical Diagnosis, the same old problem will occur over and over in the future, triggered by any unforeseen activities. Proper biomechanical diagnosis is essential for accurate detection and treatment of the usually hidden key links of seemingly unrelated symptoms.

Active Release Technique (A.R.T.) is a very unique and highly effective soft tissue technique. It employs motions of the patient along with A.R.T. specific treatment protocols to break adhesions within and between muscles and nerve tissues, which are usually generated as a consequence of injury or overuse. Unlike usual massage therapy, each individual muscle can be specifically treated with A.R.T. This specific approach results in highly efficient recovery of function and reduction of pain. Dr. Dawn has years of rich experience with A.R.T., and is currently an Instructor of Active Release Technique, and teaches this highly effective treatment paradigm to doctors and other health care practitioners. A.R.T. allows Dr. Dawn to help patients to rid their pain and achieve their health goals in much shorter time period, in comparison to conventional chiropractic approaches alone.

Dr. Dawn also brings her training and expertise on Acupuncture and Oriental medicine with emphasis on nutrition to your service. Biochemical and hormonal imbalances account for many modern day syndromes, which are difficult to treat with drugs, such as fatigue, irritability, anxiety, poor digestion/bowel movement, poor sleep, compromised immunity, allergy, weight gain, high cholesterol, PMS, menopause, infertility, and many more.

Nutrition and diet are fundamental for achieving such balance and overall well-beings, yet at this age we are exposed to a flood of information on nutrition through media, which are frequently incomplete, inaccurate, contradictory and difficult to follow. As a seasoned biochemist and researcher, along with thorough education and a long family tradition of Oriental Medicine, Dr. Dawn is an experienced practitioner in nutritional and dietary counseling and nutritional supplements/herbal prescription. She will provide you with individual examination and assessment of your health and nutrition status, followed by specific prescription of supplements, herbs, or simply dietary guidelines tailored toward your unique bodily condition.

Dr. Dawn cherishes the opportunity to serve your needs with her hands and heart, through her knowledge and experience. She will continue her mission to bring the highest quality of care to you, and would like to thank you for giving her a chance to serve you.

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